Just a little note letting you know how the new boiler is working out. As you know, the reason for purchasing your boiler was primarily due to adding an additional 4000 sq ft building to heat. Our Centural Boiler unit was not going to keep up, so I started to check into our options, such as buying an additional boiler to heat only the new building or buying a larger boiler that could heat everything.
I stumbled onto your ad on the internet and was very intrigued by the design. The thought of loading it with a skid loader sold me, so I called a couple people that had purchased your boiler and they both said how much they liked them. We went and looked at the one closest to us. We could buy your boiler cheaper than the next larger model from Central Boiler, so we placed our order.
After the hookup, we were surprised at how easy it was to purge out the air in all the lines. The circulation pump is a higher volume pump from what we had on our other boiler. The first fire I was able to put in three pallets. I told myself this is going to be great, not cutting up pallets anymore!
For the first month it was “cleanup time” burning all of the scraps from the sawmill that were too long to burn in our prior boiler. We mill up a lot of power poles and burn the slab waste to heat our dry kilns. The boiler is heating over 5000 sq ft and we have to get a the temperature in the kilns up to 140 degrees at the end of the dry cycle. To kill insects and set resin on pine lumber. This boiler keeps up well and recovers quickly. Over all I am pleased with it and am glad we made the purchase!

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